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Along with the classic chrome/cobalt framework, we also offer your patients a completely
metal-free alternative.

With the introduction of Solvay Ultaire AKP, you now have a bio-compatible, metal free option available, designed using cadcam.

They are now milled, providing your patients with a lightweight, taste free and significantly thinner RPD than the traditional partial denture.



Chrome Cobalt

All Chrome Cobalt frameworks are manufactured by a specialist laboratory, whom we have been working closely with for many years.

We are of course, happy to work from your designs, or allow us to create them for you.



Solvay Ultaire AKP®

Removable partial frames made from Ultaire AKP offer your patients a lightweight and biocompatible frame with bone-like properties, improving overall fit and limiting future bone loss.

This aesthetically superior option is metal free, without the obvious metallic taste.

We will design the framework using cadcam technology and send for milling at one of our specialised centres, before being processed with acrylic.

Please speak with Simon to assess suitability of individual cases.




About us


At CDL we pride ourselves on using only the very best materials both in Crown & Bridgework and Prosthetics and we are constantly striving to be at the forefront of all new materials and techniques.





A friendly personal service is crucial to ensure a great working relationship between Laboratory and Dental surgeries.
Our highly trained staff are always ready to discuss anything you may need.



Contact Us


Central Dental Laboratory (Kempston) Ltd26a Chantry Road, Woburn Ind Est
Kempston, Bedford MK42 7HU
tel: +44 (0)1234 855220
tel 2: +44 (0)1234 855337


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